Have you heard the saying “Time heals all wounds” ?
Have you ever been the person on the receiving end of that advice and just been like…*bleep* off. You have? — Welcome.
My introduction may have misled you because I’m not here to tell you that these people are wrong and have no idea what they’re talking about. I mean, you could be right with the latter. Normally the one giving you this advice is someone who is absolutely not fit to be handing out that type of advice in the first place. Meh…it happens.
Despite the fact that I agree with this saying to an extent, it still troubles me. Only because, as luck would have it, we really don’t know how much time we have. How unfortunate would it be if you gave up so much time healing and then just ran out of time? Boom. Gone. RIP. Sorry to be quite literal but personally, I’m not here for it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we don’t need time to heal but I’m saying, please do not waste your valuable time focusing on just that one thing. I’ve done it and it’s something I will Never do again. Imagine all the other things you put on hold whilst you impatiently (because it’s never easy) waited to feel better again. Everyone’s time frame differs but all in all whether it’s 10 days or 10 weeks…it’s still your precious time no?
Let’s also not forget that the wound we speak of is only a figure of speech. So there really is no telling how long it will take. At least, physically if I’m looking at something I can see the skin resurface and the colour change. In this case, figuratively speaking I can only go off my feelings which currently would be a rollercoaster of emotions. So I’m just waiting to feel nothing? as opposed to feeling something which in this context is a negative?…Bluffin’.
Imagine, we go through all of that just to not be rid of the memory anyway. Everything is still there, underneath the surface but you’re just no longer letting it control or affect you. The whole point of a wound is for it to close up/ heal. You’re then left with a scar. Literally speaking, this makes sense right? You trip, you bleed, you heal. I think as humans we then confuse or maybe compare literal wounds with psychological wounds but the healing process is all very different and the scars are most definitely not the same. We heal mentally rather than physically so if you deep it, that ‘wound’ is still there buried underneath your unqualified DIY stitches. You guys aren’t ready for that conversation.
So is it Time heals all wounds or The mind heals all wounds? or are they a pair of forces that work side by side to get you to a better place. Could you imagine me as a Therapist? the patient would leave the room even more confused than they were when they entered. Sorry not sorry.
Listen, the mind is a powerful thing. Imagine if we put it to work, what you could do with it. The options are endless. If you would rather wallow and feel sorry for yourself rather than channel all that energy and time into something greater.
You need more than healing, you need GOD.